Elliptical Machine – Single Machine Multiple Benefits

We are living in the era in which everyone wants to be fit and look good.  To remain fit they do many things like Aerobics, Zumba, Cross Fit, Cardio etc. As the word cardio comes in our mind the first thing strikes is Elliptical Machine. An elliptical training machine is also known as Cross trainer/X-trainer is a stationery machine, which is user to do stair, climbing, Walking, Running without causing excessive pressure to our joints, hence decrease the risk of injuries. Because of only this reason people with the injuries, prefer Elliptical training machine to stay fit. The best thing about the Elliptical trainer machine is that it offers a non-impact cardiovascular workout that can vary from light intensity to high intensity based on the speed of the exercise and the resistance set by the user.


The first published work on the subject of elliptical path generation is given in 1988 by researchers at Purdue University.5Elliptical trainers first entered in the market in the 1990s . It was invented by Precor. The elliptical is the combo package with the user’s upper and lower body. Then in 1995, the self-power generated elliptical training machines were introduced in the market. It was the machine combined with the generator, which was fitted at its front, which generates the power with the motion of the wheel of the elliptical. As the person push, it down the wheel start rotation and gains the kinetic energy and due to the principle of conservation of energy, that kinetic energy converts into the Electrical energy in the machine due to the generator action. In the first step of exercise equipment, it allow the foot to roll from heel to toe just like in running. Its mechanism work as the movement of the rear flywheel with a forward foot pedal, creating a smooth, elliptical movement. This is key to foot comfort and reduces numbing of the foot experienced on other stationary cardio equipment. If we summaries the Elliptical Training machine then it’s the machine on whichthe person does not feel like they are working as hard as they actually are.

Types of Elliptical Machines

There are three types of Elliptical machines which are categorized with the position of the motor or Drive.
1)      Rare Drive type (old elliptical machine)
2)      Front drive type(second generation elliptical machine)
3)      Center drive type(Latest elliptical machine)

Benefits of using Elliptical machines.
There are various benefits of using Elliptical machines, some of them are.
·         The elliptical machine increases the balance and mobility and help you to regain motion of hips in fact in some hospital this machine is used after the surgery to regain the motion of hips of the patients.
·         You can do various types of exercises on a single machine like mimic jogging, walking, running and climbing a staircase at multiple levels of resistance and intensity.
·         The biggest benefit of this machine is you can do work out from whole body. Your upper body as well as the lower body coordinately work with each other.
·         You can use the space optimally no issue whether the apartment is small or big the size of this machine is compact.
·         You can do multitasking in this machine like if you want to read novel or to watch TV you are free to do so while doing exercise.
·         You can increase your aerobic capacity by just working on 25 min a day and 3 to four times a week.
·         The maintenance of the machine is easy and cheap.

Therefore, as the conclusion, I would say that the elliptical training machine is the complete package for those who are looking for the fit muscular body and this comes with many benefits mentioned above. This machine is very much effective for fat loosing so I would recommend this machine to all those peoples who want loose fat from there whole body.


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